33 lots in Spring Lake Farms sell for $1.82 million
February 13, 2025
Happy Thanksgiving Knox County! I am very thankful for my family and countless friends that have supported me over the years and my staff for all they do to make this the best Register’s office in the state! I know holidays can be hard sometimes, but I hope your day is filled with gratitude and joy surrounded by the people you love most.
We recorded a total of 1,355 documents the week of November 13. Of those, we had 296 Trust Deeds (loans) with a total value of $112.17 million. Seven of these loans were over a million dollars. Truist Bank backed the two largest loans with one valued at $23.68 million and the other at $18.28 million.
Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union funded a loan for $3.3 million and Pinnacle Bank backed two large loans as well. Pinnacle financed one loan for $3 million and another for $1.78 million. Lastly, Builtwell Bank recorded a loan for $2.5 million and First Financial Bank funded one for $1.58 million.
As for the property transfers, 233 properties changed hands last week with a cumulative value $113.6 million. Six properties were sold priced at $1 million or more, three of which were commercial properties.
The large commercial transfers of last week were all apartment buildings! The Dunhill Apartment complex at 1036 Dunhill Way was purchased from Dunhill LLC by ECG Sutherland 1 LP for $7.4 million.
The next transfer consisted of buildings at 610 Sutherland Way and Atchley Ridge Way. Sutherland View Apartments LP sold the properties to ECG Sutherland 1 LP for $12.28 million.
Sutherland Park Apartments, located at 510 Vista Glen Way, sold for a whopping $16.08 million. ECG Sutherland 2 LP bought the from Sutherland Park LP.
Our three-year comparison chart has been updated through November 17.
If you’re doing online shopping this weekend, open a new tab and visit our website – we have a freegift for you – peace of mind about your property. Visit us at: https://rod.knoxcounty.org/ where you can sign up for the Property Fraud Alert program.
Please note that our office is closed today and tomorrow, Nov 23-24. We will open at 8 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 27.
Have a great Thanksgiving weekend – Nick
Nick McBride is register of deeds for Knox County.